The Ethical Nonprofit Summit logo is a circle with a navy blue border. On the inside an image of three people walking toward a fantastic space landscape. The text reads: The Ethical Nonprofit Summit 09/19/2024

The Ethical Nonprofit Summit

September 19, 2024 
9 AM PST (Virtual Only) 

Your ethical storytelling journey starts here!

Do you need tools and strategies to tell stories that raise money and don’t hurt your clients in the process?

Are you tired of researching and cobbling together policies and tools, but not having a roadmap of when you’ve arrived?

Do you want to learn directly from ethical fundraising & storytelling experts gathered in one place?

We’ve got your back! 

It’s time to go deep to find actionable solutions to your ethical fundraising and storytelling questions. 

Join us on September 19, 2024, 9 AM PST, to learn from experts sharing their wisdom on storytelling trauma, best practices, empowering language, case studies, and much more. 

We’re dedicating the entire day to moving you forward on your ethical storytelling and fundraising journey. 

This virtual conference is the first of its kind – all session topics will be about ethical fundraising and storytelling practices. 

That means every expert is bringing you their best tools and strategies to ethically elevate your fundraising and storytelling activities. 

Ethically elevate your: 




Social media

Client interactions

Staff relationships

And more!

This is the only conference dedicated solely to advancing ethical storytelling and fundraising practices among nonprofits.

Our vision is to create a space that uplifts the voices that aren’t in the room and rewards the voices of advocates for ethical practices in our industry.

Come to learn and take action!

Your ethical storytelling journey starts here!

Purchase your Early Bird Ticket today for 15% off the regular price.

When: September 19, 2024 
Time: Starts at 9 AM PST 

(Recordings will be available if your plans change from here to September)

Who is the summit for?

You are committed to raising money ethically and taking action on what you learn.

You’re an open-minded advocate who’s willing take risks and do the right thing, regardless of your job title.

You’re done with the status quo and ready for new leadership to emerge in our sector.

You want to support a first-ever, first-of-its-kind conference dedicated solely to ethical fundraising and storytelling practices instead of scrounging for experts through expensive conferences and endless Google searches.

You want simple tools and strategies to make a difference now.

Who is the summit not for?

This conference is not for you if you only want to learn how to raise money, regardless of the costs.

It is not for you if you think clients should share their stories just because you provided them with services.

It is not for you if aren’t willing to raise a ruckus.

It is not for you if you’re not ready to absorb wisdom from folks in marginalized communities. 

If you’re in, get your Early Bird Ticket now!

Only $85 until Jun 30, 2024

You can email Diana to ask about group rates at

What does it mean to raise money and tell stories ethically?

It means…

Your nonprofit clients know you are using their stories to raise money.

You gather stories from clients with trauma-informed practices and care for their overall well-being.

You recognize the power dynamics at play and make moves to make your processes equitable.

You put the community first and let the clients be the heroes of their own stories.

You accept that the answers come from the people that you serve.

You know that no amount of money is worth the cost of a person’s agency, dignity, or safety.

The Ethical Nonprofit Summit

9/19/2024, starting at 9 am PST (virtual only) 

Have a question? Please email Diana at Thanks!